Browse Items (11 total)

  • Collection: 2.9 D Memos, Announcements, Miscellaneous

Letter provides an overview of the OCCS office. Includes the following attachments:
Spring 1995 Seminar Series brochure
Career Services - An…

A letter from Douglas Gallaer introducing the Graduate Follow-Up Report for 1989 Graduates to President Santoro. The report is attached to the…

Email requests a copy of the Candidate Information Form, and ask for information about how to track graduates' employment and how to reach potential…

Meeting notes about ways to provide career services to CNU students. Includes notes on Graduate Outcomes Survey from 1999 or 2000, Small Business…

Memo from the Director of the Student Development Center requesting that information about the coping sessions to address the stresses of the Iraq war…

Letter from Ruth K. Mulliken to the Students of CNC on the Counseling Center, May 5 1972.pdf
The Counseling Center provides placement testing; this memo notes date and time for testing, and offers contact information for making a reservation.


Make contact

Offer assistance with routine tasks

Help with the job search

Maintain contact

Points to Remember

2 copies

Services for Students with Disabilities Program will move to the Academic Advising Center. Ms. Deborah Witt will head it.

Christopher Newport College offers the following types of assistance:

Educational Planning

Career Planning

Personal Development


Christopher Newport College offers the following types of assistance:

Educational Planning

Career Planning

Personal Development
