2.2 G Fundraisers - Miscellaneous

Items in the 2.2 G Fundraisers - Miscellaneous Collection

Post card depicting Barclay Sheaks' Queen Anne's Summer and offering limited edition signed prints…

Copy of brochure and pledge card offering the opportunity of donating $100 which would entitle the…

Brochure with information on purchasing a personalized paver to be placed around the geese…

1 - Benefit Others Through Your Will
2 - Giving Through Revocable Living Trusts
3 - A Gift with an…

Letter asking for donation.
New Year's in London advertisement
London Calling donation…

2-page letter includes:

-Information on how to donate to CVC
-Signed by Lisa Wingfield,…

2.2 G "Give from the Heart" - Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign 2011
Email requesting donations for the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign for 2011. Includes an attached…

Letter from Lucy Latchum regarding recognition in honor of donation by a personalized brick.…

2.2 G Calling All Captains!
Email announcement of a new crowdfunding platform, Calling All Captains for special projects in the…

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