2.2 O CNU Day

Items in the 2.2 O CNU Day Collection

2.2 O We need your help flying the flag!
An email announcing CNU Day on March 3, 2015 to commemorate the charter of CNU. Provides information…

2.2 O CNU Day - Our Future Begins With Our Past
An email asking for donations towards the Alumni House as part of the CNU Day celebration. It…

2.2 O CNU Day - Keeping Captains on Course
An email asking for donations towards the Lighthouse fund as part of the CNU Day celebration. It…

2.2 O CNU Day - A CNU Day Message From President Trible
An email sharing a YouTube video message from President Trible about CNU Day. Video is available at:…

2.2 O Parents are Captains, Too
An email containing a YouTube video from "Mike and Pam Deese, parents of Chad ’16, on the…

2.2 0 Join the #CNUDay15 Fun on Social Media
An email providing examples of CNU Day on social media.

2.2 O Have You Been Counted?
An email announcing that more than 500 people have given donations during the CNU Day campaign.

2.2 O Hail, All Hail to CNU!
An email thanking donors. It also provides the CNU alma mater and a ringtone that can be dowloaded.

2.2 O CNU Day Social Media Support
A thank you message to faculty and staff for departmental support of CNU Day through social media…

2.2 O A Special CNU Day Thank You
A thank you message for the success of CNU Day 2015. Email includes a YouTube video:…

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