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  • Collection: 2.9 C-3 Miscellaneous Events

2.9 C-3 missioncollegesuccess 11032014.pdf
Invitation to see the PBS documentary "Coming Back with Wes Moore" and hear speaker Armando Kuppinger Velasquez. Provides information on resources for…

2.9 C-3 febcareernews 02042014.pdf
Email providing information on career planning events being held for the month of February, 2014. Includes a change of date for the Spring Career &…

List of classes available for Fall 1995 from the Office of Career & Counseling Services.

List of events related to:
- Initiatives for undecided students regarding major selection
- On campus information sessions
- On campus…

Brochure for the community workshop, "Exploring Women's Potential" sponsored by the Organization for Women's Equality.
Includes a list of workshops,…

Document lists dates and location of Orientation Program designed by the Counseling Center for new students.

2 copies