2.40 C Events
Items in the 2.40 C Events Collection
2.40 C Join us at the Study Abroad Fair! (2011)
Invitation to the Study Abroad Fair. Includes a list of CNU Programs and Offices at the Fair and a…
2.40 C Rocio Cobo - A Semester In Spain
A flier announcing that Rocio Cobo, Academic Director of Centro MundoLengua is coming to campus to…
2.40 C Join Us for the Study Abroad Fair (2013)
Email announcing a Study Abroad Fair on September 20, 2013 in the David Student Union.
2.40 C CNU International Photo Contest (2014)
Announcement of The CNU International Photo Contest, for CNU students, faculty and staff who have…
2.40 C Study Abroad Fair (2014)
An email announcing that the Study Abroad Office is hosting the Spring Study Abroad Fair on…
2.40 C International Photo Contest Judging (2014)
An email asking people to vote for the People's Choice Award winner of the 2014 International Photo…
2.40 C CNU International Photo Contest (2015)
Email announcing the CNU International Photo Contest for "all CNU students, faculty and staff who…
2.40 C Earth Day: International Photo
An invitation for faculty, students and staff to wear or bring something to represent countries…