2.34 B Services & Events

Items in the 2.34 B Services & Events Collection

Booklet with prayers and hymns.

1 copy

Booklet with prayers and hymns.

1 copy

Program for the Festival of Church Music, an annual fundraiser for the United Campus…

Program for the Festival of Church Music, an annual fundraiser for the United Campus…

2.34 B Festival of Church Music Oct. 27, 4 p.m., Chapel
An email announcing a Festival of Church Music to be held in the Pope Chapel October 27, 2013.

2.34 B UCM Service Event! - A "Potato Drop"
United Campus Ministries will be holding an interest meeting on January 30, 2014 for a massive (and…

2.34 B Preparation for Spring Worship Service
Email announcing that United Campus will hold a non-denominational worship service on March 19,…

2.34 B The Great Sweet Potato Give-Away
An email announcing that United Campus Ministries has sweet potatoes to give away to organizations…

2.34 B UCM Club Meeting Tonight
Email announcement of United Campus Ministries club meeting.

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