2.21 D-6 Other

Items in the 2.21 D-6 Other Collection

Flyer for a workshop on nutrition for Christopher Newport University faculty and staff to be…

The CNU Employee Transition Support Program includes:

Benefits Support Services


Training program will be provided to support employees in their personal growth and skills…

Office of People Support Services has been changed to the Office of Human Resources.

Office of Human Resources will extend its Monday to Thursday hours to 6 PM.

To: Anthony R. Santoro
From: Barbara J. Patteson

The letter informs Dr. Santoro of the…

2.21 D-6 Reorganization and Relocation of Payroll to the Business Office
An email announcing that payroll is leaving human resources and moving to the Business Office.

2.21 D-6 Compensation Study Informational Sessions for Classified, Hourly and Administrative Professional
An email announcing information about the CNU Compensation Plan and related possible salary…

 2.21 D-6 For Managers Who Recruit and Hire Student Employees
An email sent on behalf of the Student Employment Advisory Committee providing information for…

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