2.7 A Memos, Announcements, etc.

Items in the 2.7 A Memos, Announcements, etc. Collection

A Message from Campus Police

"Take A Bite Out of Crime" Information sheet

Memo to Faculty, Staff and Students

2 Attachments

1. Lost and Found Policy
Includes: Purpose…

Gerald J. Bright has resigned as Chief of University Police effective October 11, 1999.

Samuel Warren is the new Acting Chief of Police following the resignation of Chief Gerald J. Bright.

The Christopher Newport University Police Department will be moving from Prince Drew Road to 12270…

2.7 A University Police Department
An email thanking Chief Brown for his leadership and announcing that Andrew Engemann will be serving…

2.7 A 2015 Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Classes
Email announcing the availability of Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes from the CNU Police…

2.7 A Abandoned Bike Recovery Program
Email regarding abandoned bike recovery program.

2.7 A Campus Exercise Tomorrow
Email providing details of lock down drill on campus.

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