2.6 A Announcements, Memos, etc.

Items in the 2.6 A Announcements, Memos, etc. Collection

Press Release describes the David Student Union

Peninsula Catholic High School has requested permission to use the Campus Center for their…

Information from the Scheduling Office regarding scheduling policies for the David Student Union,…

List of posting policies for the David Student Union.

2 copies

List of policies for posting banners in the David Student Union.
Includes a banner posting request…

Memo to Paul Trible, President of Christopher Newport University. Discusses the Resident Hall…

List of current recommendations in regards to meeting spaces that are available to student…

List of questions for Administration in regards to the meeting spaces that are available to student…

Floor plans for the three levels of the David Student Union.

2 copies

Floor plans for the third level of the David Student Union.
Includes handwritten notes

2 copies

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