2.3 B-5 Miscellaneous
Items in the 2.3 B-5 Miscellaneous Collection
2.3 B-5 Lamont Strothers advertisement
Lamont Strothers was a member of the CNU basketball team.
2.3 B-5 Hampton Roads Basketball Camp Brochure (1979)
2 copies
1979 Hampton Roads Basketball Camp
Camp Highlights
All Star Features
1979 Hampton Roads Basketball Camp
Camp Highlights
All Star Features
2.3 B-5 Hampton Roads Basketball Camp Brochure (1971)
Brochure for 2nd Annual Hampton Roads Basketball Camp with Neil Johnson, K.C. Jones, and Mike…
2.3 B-5 Letter to prospective Hampton Roads Basketball Camp attendee (1971)
Letter from R. Bev Vaughan, Director of the Hampton Roads Basketball Camp, to Brian [Burke] inviting…
2.3 B-5 FINAL FOUR PARTY - Cheer the Captains Women's Basketball Team
An email announcing a party on March 20, 2011 where people can watch the Captains women's basketball…
Collection Tree
- 2.0 University Offices, Buildings and Services
- 2.03 Athletics
- 2.3 B Basketball
- 2.3 B-5 Miscellaneous
- 2.3 B Basketball
- 2.03 Athletics