2.46 B-4 Miscellaneous Events

Items in the 2.46 B-4 Miscellaneous Events Collection

2.46 B-4 Myo Myint, Burmese Refugee Friday 4/19 7pm in the Chapel<br />
Announcement of a talk by Myo Myint, a Burmese refugee featured in the HBO documentary Burma…

2.46 B-4 Wyland Foundation Clean Water Mobile Learning Center to Visit CNU!
CNU's Center for Community Engagement is sponsoring the Wyland Foundation's Mobile Learning Center…

2.46 B-4 Celebrate Civic and Community Engagement
An email announcing "KITES for a CAUSE," "an event to celebrate CNU's commitment to

2.46 B-4 CNU Participation in Newport News &quot;One City&quot;
Email explains opportunity to participate in the Newport News "One City Marathon" race on March 15,…

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